Soft skills in healthcare
Discussion Question:
Describe your experience with using a facsimile machine and if you agree or not agree it is an essential part of a healthcare facility. With all the bells and whistles on the Electronic Health Records, will the fax machine still be needed in the office? How might the EHR replace the fax machine? Provide one reference to support your discussion.
Discussion Question:
Describe your experience with someone on the phone that was not courteous and explain why they may have been this way. Your classmate’s responses to this should provide solutions for how to respond to this person. Provide one reference to support your soft skills in healthcare discussion.
Assignment Instructions
Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be eight sections, (about one double-spaced page) for each soft skills in healthcare. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading (level one heading) that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.
Create an essay on soft skills in healthcare
- List and identify a minimum of 8 soft skills in healthcare that are important to have in a healthcare position.
- Describe the importance of each soft skill in healthcare and provide an example of how it may be used in a healthcare setting.
- Provide one page for each soft skill in healthcare (min 250 words). In each paragraph, highlight in yellow a minimum of two medical terms. Identify five nouns, five pronouns, five verbs, five adjectives, and five adverbs by placing the appropriate mark before the word. [ i.e. (n), (pn), (v), (aj), (av)]
Assignment Expectations
Length: 2000-2500 words; answers must thoroughly address the prompts in a clear, concise manner
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Each of the soft skills in healthcare must use a level one heading to divide the paragraphs.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly citations to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)
Soft Skills in Healthcare
For one to be successful in the healthcare industry, the individual needs more than high-quality hands-on training or a top-notch degree program. Employers in the healthcare industry are looking for more than a healthcare professional’s clinical abilities in their resume (Oberg, 2018). Healthcare professionals, especially nurses should develop “soft skills” which are sometimes referred to as personality skills to help them succeed in the job market. Soft skills are often used by nurses and other healthcare professionals to enhance and influence how they communicate and interact with peers, patients, and leaders. Soft skills can impact healthcare professionals’ job performance, career prospects, and other life activities (Morrell et al., 2020). Soft skills are often an added advantage when a healthcare professional is looking for a job. Soft skills can greatly influence one’s career progression can technical skills. The purpose of this assignment is to identify and discuss soft skills needed in healthcare and how they are used.
Effective Communication Skill
One (av) of the soft skills needed (v) in a healthcare position is effective (aj) communication. Effective communication is exchanging thoughts, ideas, knowledge, data, and opinions in a way that is received and understood with purpose and clarity. Both the communicator (n) and listener (n) (Oberg, 2018) should feel satisfied after an effective communication process (Morrell et al., 2020). Effective communication can be achieved by being respectful (aj) during communication, proving and taking feedback, actively listening, and having clarity and volume in messages. Second (av) (Kahn Academy, 2016), effective communication can also be achieved (v) through empathy. Nurses (n) should also be able to understand non-verbal communication to effectively communicate (v) with patients and peers in a healthcare workplace environment. Other elements of effective communication include adapting communication style to the target audience and building confidence and friendliness (aj) during communication (Morrell et al., 2020). The nurse can use effective communication skills to communicate the diagnosis (n) and prognosis of the disease to their patients (n).
Effective communication is vital in healthcare. It (pn) can be used (v) to build (v) a successful (aj) nurse-patient relationship. Nurses and patients will relate well (aj) when (av) the nurse effectively communicates with the patient. Effective communication can also help healthcare providers understand the concerns of a patient and his (pn) or her (pn) opinions on how care should be approached (Morrell et al., 2020). Effective communication can be used to prevent medication errors. A nurse can prevent medication errors by clearly (av) communicating to patients how the drugs should be taken. For instance, effective communication can be used to inform a patient that they (pn) have HIV/AIDs. The nurse will be respectful when (av) communicating the message to the patient and wait for the patient’s reaction. Effective communication can also be used by nurses to communicate their (pn) needs to the management. Overall, effective communication is needed in healthcare because it improves (v) the relationship between healthcare professionals and the nurse-patient relationship.
Empathy (n) is (v) the second (av) soft (aj) skill (n) a healthcare professional (n) should have (v). Empathy is the ability (v) to sense (v) and understand (v) other (pn) people’s (n) feelings and emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine how other people are feeling or thinking about a situation (Fatma et al., 2020). Empathy can be shown in four main ways. One (av) of the ways is staying out of judgment. Empathy involves avoiding judging people and approaching them with an open (aj) mind and heart. The second way is taking perspective. Perspective-taking is the skill of looking at a situation through experiences and identifying the lens of the individual having the experience. For instance, if a patient (n) is delusional (aj), a nurse can show him (pn) or her (pn) empathy through perspective-taking. Perspective-taking reduces bias (av) in a nurse’s attempt to provide care (Fatma et al., 2020). Empathy can also be shown by identifying the person’s feelings towards a certain situation and feeling when they are feeling.
Practicing empathy in healthcare has many benefits. One (av) of the benefits (aj) is that it (pn) leads to better (aj) outcomes for patients (Fatma et al., 2020). Patients who (pn) were (pn) cared for using empathy often (av) feel satisfied with the type of care they are provided. Another significance of empathy in healthcare is that it leads to fewer disputes with healthcare providers. Health providers with empathy understand each other and this leads to few wrangles (Fatma et al., 2020). It also leads to higher reimbursements because of higher patient satisfaction scores. It also makes caring for patients fulfilling and rewarding. Empathy can be used in healthcare to show a patient with an acute health issue that their pain is understood and everything will be done to improve their situation. Patients with diseases such as obesity also need to be treated with empathy to make them feel better.

Active Listening Skill
Active listening (n) is another (pn) significant (aj) skill (n) needed (v) by employers (n) in the healthcare industry (n). Active listening is a skill where a person (n) listens (v) and responds (v) to their (pn) people (n) in a move to improve mutual understanding. Active listening involves (v) the following elements (Hariti & Rejeki, 2020). The first element is paying attention. One (pn) should show that they are actively (av) listening showing the speaker’s undivided attention, recognizing nonverbal communication, acknowledging the message, and avoiding any distraction posed by environmental factors. The nurse can listen actively by showing that they (pn) are listening by responding with words such as “yea” and “yes” and nodding where (av) necessary. Facial expressions and body language can also be used (v) to show that one is listening actively. Active listening also involves providing feedback, responding appropriately (av), and avoiding any judgmental (av) thoughts when one is communicating.
Active listening is the significant first (aj) step to dissecting a situation and seeking solutions to problems. Active listening is vital in the healthcare industry, especially during the consultation process (Morrell et al., 2020). Nurses and physicians are needed to actively listen to their patients when collecting data about the patient’s medical history during consultations. Nursing is about patient care and this includes mental (aj) and emotional (aj) support. Active listening helps nurses and physicians better understand the patient’s needs and how they can meet them. Active listening will also help nurses and physicians make an accurate diagnosis about the problem affecting the patient because they have all data about the patient. Active listening can be used by nurses during the bedside handover process. During bedside handover, nurses can be needed to listen attentively (av) to understand the information that will help them (pn) care for a new (aj) patient.
Problem-Solving Skill
Problem-solving (n) skill is the ability (v) to recognize (v) and find solutions to best (av) solve (v) the problems (n). A good problem-solving individual should be able to identify and define a problem and develop (v) possible (aj) solutions that (pn) can be used to solve the problem (Ahmady & Shahbazi, 2020). They should also evaluate the solutions and identify the best (aj) opinion (n) that can be used in solving (v) the problem. They (pn) should also be able to evaluate the outcomes of the solutions and improve them where (av) necessary.
Problem-solving is a critical skill in healthcare. The main (av) work of nurses (n) and other (pn) healthcare professionals (n) is to evaluate patients, identify the problem, and propose the best possible (aj) intervention that can be used to solve the problem (Ahmady & Shahbazi, 2020). According to Ahmady and Shahbazi (2020), problem-solving is vital (aj) because it improves the quality of care. The authors noted that problem-solving improves the quality of care because it (pn) allows nurses to better (av) identify the needs of patients, analyze them, and provide the best solutions to solve them (pn). Ahmady and Shahbazi (2020) noted that professional nursing services need cognitive skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Problem-solving is vital because it needs creative (av) thinking and reflection. Problem-solving can be used in healthcare to find solutions to diseases. For instance, if a patient comes to the hospital is acute (aj) diarrhea, the healthcare professionals should work to identify the cause of diarrhea through methods such as collecting the patient’s medical history and laboratory tests, and finding a solution for the problem. Healthcare professionals should ensure that the recommended solutions are evidence-based and effective.
Time Management Skill
Time management (n) is a skill (n) where (av) an individual (n) has time (n) to complete (v) all (aj) their (pn) assignments (n) on time without being stressed (v). A good (aj) time manager should be able (aj) to start early (av) and complete their assignments on time by meeting deadlines. Good time managers should also have the ability to set SMART goals and delegate tasks when needed. Time management is vital in the healthcare industry. Time management helps nurses get more work done (Hariti & Rejeki, 2020). Nurses are often (av) faced with many patient cases. As a result, they need to manage themselves (pn) well (aj) to provide care to all the patients under their care. If they do not keep time, they (pn) might (av) fail to provide care to some patients (Morrell et al., 2020). Time management is also vital (aj) in healthcare because it (pn) helps produce a higher work quality.
One (av) of the quality measures for healthcare services is timeliness. Healthcare professionals are timeliness care to their patients (n). They cannot achieve (v) this measure if they do not manage their time well. Time management also provides fewer (av) missed deadlines. Apart from providing care, healthcare professionals are needed to develop reports for billing and other functions. Without managing their time well, they cannot find time to perform other (pn) functions which makes them miss deadlines (Morrell et al., 2020). Additionally, there is a sense of improved self-image, self-control, and reduced (v) stress with good time management. Time management can be used in healthcare to provide timely care to patients. For instance, if a nurse is engaged and is working with other patients, they can save (v) time by delegating other functions to other professionals (n).
Conflict Resolution Skills
Conflict resolution (n) skills help people (n) solve disputes and issues and achieve consensus. Since the healthcare workplace is occupied by humans (n), conflicts often (av) arise (v). As such, it (pn) is vital (aj) for nurses to have conflict resolution skills that can help them (pn) navigate (v) various conflicts that arise in the healthcare environment (Morrell et al., 2020). Nurses (n) and other healthcare professionals (n) should include keywords related to conflict resolution abilities in their cover letters, during job interviews, and in their resumes to showcase these abilities to their potential employers. Some of the conflict resolution skills include mediation, assertiveness, facilitation, assimilation, negotiation, and avoidance. These (pn) skills should be used effectively (av) to ensure that conflicts are averted in the workplace.
Conflict resolution skills are important (aj) in nursing. Conflict resolution helps healthcare professionals create better (aj) relationships amongst themselves (pn) and with patients. Conflicts often (av) create a toxic (av) working environment and this (pn) might negatively (av) impact the morale of workers and other stakeholders within the work environment. Conflicts might reduce productivity and performance in a healthcare organization. A poor nurse-patient relationship can be created by conflict, and this makes conflict resolution significant (aj). Conflict resolution skills can be used in healthcare to solve problems between nurses and other professionals (Hariti & Rejeki, 2020). For instance, nurses can have role issues with doctors and this can create a toxic working environment. The issues can be solved through negotiations where each party finds a common ground. Conflict resolution can also be used to solve issues between nurses and patients. A patient can have issues with nurses and this can impact the quality (aj) of care. Conflict resolution skills can be used to solve the problem.
Compassion (n) is another (pn) soft (aj) skill that is needed (v) in healthcare facilities (n). Compassion is how healthcare providers (n) offer care through relationships based on respect, dignity, and empathy. Compassion is also known as intelligent kindness (n) and it (pn) is central to how individuals view (v) care. According to Hariti and Rejeki (2020), healthcare is the effort made (v) to restore or maintain mental (aj), emotional (aj), or physical (aj) well-being by licensed and trained professionals. In the course (av) of providing care, healthcare professionals should show compassion and make patients feel that they (pn) are valued (v) and important (aj). Showing patients (n) compassion (v) is vital because it makes (v) them (pn) feel important and valued. Compassion also improves patients’ satisfaction with the care they are provided.
Compassion can be used in healthcare in various ways. One (av) of the ways is providing patients with emotional support when they need it. For instance, a nurse can provide family members with a shoulder to cry on when they have lost their loved one. A nurse can also show compassion by being respectful when (av) providing care to patients (Hariti & Rejeki, 2020). The nurse should ensure that patients’ needs are reflected in care. Nurses can also be compassion when communicating with patients. They should use a caring (aj) tone when communicating with patients at any (pn) given point. Healthcare professionals can also show compassion by being empathetic (av) in their care. They should understand the feelings and emotions and patients and avoid being judgmental. Nurses can also provide compassion by answering patients’ questions and being active (av) listeners.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability for one to understand and manage feelings and emotions and identify and influence the feeling and emotions of people around them (Dugué et al., 2021). Emotional intelligence is a great (aj) soft skill (n). One of the elements of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. Individuals (n) who are self-aware have a clear (aj) understanding of their motivations, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. The second element of emotional intelligence is self-regulation (Dugué et al., 2021). People (n) who (pn) can regulate themselves (pn) can efficiently (av) manage their impulses, behaviors, feelings, and emotions. The third element is empathy which is the ability to understand other people’s emotions and not judge them (pn) on how they (pn) feel. Other elements include social skills and motivation.
Emotional intelligence is vital in healthcare because it improves the relationship between nurses and other (pn) health professionals and patients. Nurses (n) who can understand their emotions and manage them are more likely (av) to relate well with other people (Dugué et al., 2021). Emotional intelligence is also vital (aj) because it improves (v) effective communication. Nurses who can manage their emotions can effectively (av) communicate (v) with patients and their peers. Emotional intelligence also promotes conflict resolution, improves empathy for others, and helps in stress reduction. A nurse can (aj) use emotional intelligence in healthcare to properly (av) improve their relationships with patients (Dugué et al., 2021). For instance, if a nurse is confronted (v) with an aggressive patient with the intermittent expulsive disorder, the skill will help him or her manage the patient well (aj). Nurses can also use emotional intelligence to efficiently (av) manage stubborn peers (n).
Nurses require various soft skills to help them navigate their care role. The skills include effective communication skills, empathy, conflict resolution skills, emotional intelligence, active listening skills, compassion, problem-solving and time management. These skills can provide nurses with upper hand looking for jobs. Therefore, nurses should ensure that they have included the skills in their resume and cover letters.
Ahmady, S., & Shahbazi, S. (2020). Impact of social problem-solving training on critical thinking and decision making of nursing students. BMC Nursing, 19, 94.
Dugué, M., Sirost, O., & Dosseville, F. (2021). A literature review of emotional intelligence and nursing education. Nurse Education in Practice, 54, 103124.
Fatma, A. Y., Polat, S., & Kashimi, T. (2020). Relationship between the problem-solving skills and empathy skills of operating room nurses. Journal of Nursing Research, 28(2), e75.
Hariti, T., & Rejeki, S. (2020). Strengthening soft skills as the character of student nurses through the preceptorship management model. Enfermeria Clinica, 30, 64-68.
Kahn Academy. (2016). Intro to adverbs | The parts of speech | Grammar | Khan Academy.
Morrell, B. L., Eukel, H. N., & Santurri, L. E. (2020). Soft skills and implications for future professional practice: Qualitative findings of a nursing education escape room. Nurse Education Today, 93, 104462.
Oberg, D. V. (2018) Grammar & writing skills for the health professional (3rd Ed.) Boston, MA: Cengage ISBN: 978-1-3059-4542-5. Read Section 5.
Discussion 1
The healthcare industry, including my healthcare facility, underwent a huge change from paper to digital health record keeping in 2009. However, my facility still uses facsimile machines for some reasons. My organization, especially the leadership has been using facsimile machines for most external communication. For instance, I have been involved in sending medical records between my healthcare facility and other institutions through fax machines (Burdžović, 2022). My management still values fax because it is more secure and less exposed than emails. My hospital has suffered email hacks many times and this made the management decide to use fax when sending confidential messages. Thus, I agree that fax is still essential in a healthcare facility.
In my opinion, the fax will still be needed as a backup plan in case Electronic Health Records are compromised. In some cases, EHRs often get hacked and all operations are put at a standstill. In such instances, the fax can be used to manage patient records until the EHR systems are back on track (Burdžović, 2022).
EHR has replaced the fax machine by making it easy to receive and send messages. EHRs are made it easy for healthcare professionals to collect and manage patient data (Yang et al., 2022). It takes time to send messages through fax machines. However, through EHRs patient information can be sent in real time. EHRs will also replace fax machines because they have made data management in healthcare affordable and have made it easy for healthcare professionals to provide telehealth medicine.
Burdžović, E. (2022). Information Security in Healthcare: Security challenges and opportunities within integrated electronic health record systems.
Yang, Z., Pou-Prom, C., Jones, A., Banning, M., Dai, D., Mamdani, M., & Antoniou, T. (2022). Assessment of natural language processing methods for ascertaining the Expanded Disability Status Scale score from the electronic health records of patients with multiple sclerosis: algorithm development and validation study. JMIR Medical Informatics, 10(1), e25157.
Discussion 2
I have experienced many people who were not courteous on phone in my nursing career and also at a personal level. For instance, there was a time I was talking to my nurse colleague on phone. I wanted to ask her about a patient she had cared for earlier in the day. She forgot to indicate the dosage of some medications in her handover report. However, she was so rude. When I called, she answered by saying “yes, what do you want.” The answer did not sit well with me. I was so demoralized. When I asked her, why she was being so rude, she did not answer, instead, she asked me another question, “why did you call, please speak, I am busy.” I realized that she was going through a difficult time. She had fought with her husband and he moved out of their house and left her with three kids. Though I was angry at first, I understood why she was angry.
I have also experienced a patient being less courteous when we talked on the phone. I called to follow up on her treatment. However, she was not forthcoming in her answers and answered me rudely. However, I managed my anger by use of emotional intelligence. Gómez-Leal et al. (2022) noted that emotional intelligence helps people manage their emotions. I learned that the patient behaved this way because she was feeling pain. The patient had a wound in her left thigh.
Reference Gómez-Leal, R., Holzer, A. A., Bradley, C., Fernández-Berrocal, P., & Patti, J. (2022). The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership in school leaders: A systematic review. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(1), 1-21.