Teams: Module 5 Discussion and Assignments

team Discussion Question #1: What are the five skills of disruptive innovators? How do they allow employees to develop into innovative team leaders? Discussion Question #2: As a team leader, how would you overcome the five traps to brainstorming? Assignment: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, …

Stereotypical expectations Assignment and Discussion

stsreotypical expectations Discussion One What are the cultural variables that influence multicultural teams? Which is most important to you? Why? Define stereotypical expectations Discussion Question #2: Today’s society is increasingly moving toward work-at-home virtual teams. One of your workers (Dave) complains that another (Cynthia) is rude in their email correspondence. After talking with Cynthia, she …

Reports: Radiology, Pathology, Discharge, and Operative1

reports Assignment Expectations Length: 1000-word essay and four reports (1200 words). Structure: Each report has its own format. Be sure to follow the proper format for each. Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Format: Save each of your assignments as …

Soft Skills in Healthcare: Discussions and Assignment1

Soft skills in healthcare Discussion Question: Describe your experience with using a facsimile machine and if you agree or not agree it is an essential part of a healthcare facility. With all the bells and whistles on the Electronic Health Records, will the fax machine still be needed in the office? How might the EHR …

SOAP Charting Discussion and Assignment1

Charting Discussion Question With the move to electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR), software vendors have developed methods and formats to enter data. Research “types of charting in electronic records,” and discuss one type to include pros and cons. How is it similar to paper charting? How is it different? Provide one …

CPT coding

Assignment: Complete a Power Point to address the following questions and 2 case studies. The following websites provide free code look up:,, These websites do offer a free trial and somethings you can find codes without signing up. Case study one: Preoperative diagnosis: Morbid obesity Procedure: Cancellation of gastric bypass, secondary to skin infection Complications: …