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Stereotypical expectations Assignment and Discussion

stsreotypical expectations

Discussion One

What are the cultural variables that influence multicultural teams? Which is most important to you? Why? Define stereotypical expectations

Discussion Question #2:

Today’s society is increasingly moving toward work-at-home virtual teams. One of your workers (Dave) complains that another (Cynthia) is rude in their email correspondence. After talking with Cynthia, she states that she likes to keep her communications short and on-point, but is never rude. How would you control for this type of miscommunication?

 Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. Each essay part will require 400-500 words to address


  1. Why are stereotypical expectations formed in cross-cultural groups? Explain a time (i.e., college course, job, volunteer opportunity) when you had to work with a cross-cultural group and the stereotypical expectations that were, or could have been, formed and why.
  2. Why do cross-cultural teams have difficulty? Give an example when you had interpreted cultural perspective differently from another member of your team.
  3. How do virtual teams differ from traditional teams? Choose a profession and explain how it can engage employees in both types of teams, and why both would be valuable.
  4. What are the several approaches to improving a virtual team’s performance?

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stereotypical expectations Elite academic research


Discussion 1

Multicultural teams are influenced by cultural variables. One of the cultural variables is individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is a culture where a person likes to act alone and be recognized as an individual. Individualists like work alone and take credit as individuals. Collectivism is a culture where people like to work as a group. These people consult colleagues before making any decision (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). Collectivism is most important to me. People with collectivist culture can easily work in a team than individualistic individuals. Team members will be more valued by leaders who are collectivists than individualists. The second culture is power distance (high distance vs. low distance). High distance prefers and accepts that power is not distributed equally while low distance prefers and accepts that power is distributed more equally.

The third culture is uncertainty avoidance. Some people are high-uncertainty-avoidance; they avoid ambiguity and prefer more structured tasks. They do not like to take risks. Low-uncertainty-avoidance is people who are risk-takers and have a high tolerance for ambiguity. I love risk-takers because they are people who can initiate change (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). They can take on change. The last culture is tasks or relationship orientation. People from long-term-oriented cultures spend extra time on building trust and socializing with other people. They often work together towards their long-term goals. Short-term-oriented people put more focus on the task at hand. Their main focus is to complete the tasks at hand. For me, long-term orientation is vital because it helps people work towards long-term goals.


Dyer Jr, W. G., Dyer, J. H., & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance. John Wiley & Sons.

Discussion 2

One of the ways to deal with this type of miscommunication is coming up with a communication strategy that all workers can follow when communicating with each other. As a team leader, I would develop a communication strategy that should be used by all the team members during communication. The second way to deal with this miscommunication is setting communication standards for remote team members. In some instances, working from home is the best (Reinisch & Karimi, 2020). However, it can make communication hard and ineffective. Workers can misunderstand each other when communicating while working from home, and this can lead to miscommunication. Remote communication standards can help remove the misunderstanding. For instance, your standards might include weekly one-on-one phone calls to follow up on the messages an employee sent to another. In can also include calling instead of emailing when a message being passed across is complex and cannot be explained in writing.

The third way is creating accountability system. Maneerutt (2021) noted that proper and effective communication within the organization is holding workers and other stakeholders accountable for their work. For instance, in this case, the two workers must account for their actions. Accountability ensures that all employees think critically before sending any message because they know that they will be hold accountable. The last way is to urge the two employees and others within the team to keep their communication professional and respectful. The workers should understand that they work with people of different cultures, and thus they must be mindful of how they talk.


Maneerutt, G. (2021). Miscommunication at the workplace: Causes and ways to improve internal communication. AU-GSB e-JOURNAL, 14(2), 155-166.

Reinisch, C., & Karimi, N. (2020). Implicit communication challenges in culturally diverse workplaces: A qualitative study on challenges employees in a culturally diverse organization face and how these challenges are dealt with.

Assignment: Cross-Group and Virtual Teams

Covid-19 showed people the importance of virtual teams. Before the pandemic, employers were less focused on virtual teams. However, after the pandemic, virtual teams became reality and organizations, including healthcare institutions, were forced to go online. The use of virtual teams has also been promoted by current technology which has made the world a global village (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). Most companies have expanded abroad, and this has forced them to adopt virtual teams’ approach. Virtual teams are mostly made of people of diverse cultures (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). Therefore, is vital to understand how to address cross-culture problems faced by virtual teams. The purpose of this paper is to discuss cross-culture groups and virtual teams.

Formation of Stereotypical Expectations in Cross-Cultural Groups 

A stereotype is a generalized belief people have about a specific group of individuals Kolbl et al. (2020). Stereotypes often occur when new people meet each other. Stereotypical expectations are formed in cross-cultural groups because members of a cross-cultural team do not have specific information about each other (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). In other words, people in a cross-cultural group form stereotypes about each other because they do not know each other well. They just have information on how people from a specific ethnic group or race are believed to behave or act. For instance, in a group where Alex, a new member of the team is a Mexican, the other team members will form stereotypes about him using his country of origin since they do not have specific information about Alex personally.

Stereotypical expectations are formed in cross-cultural groups because members of the team do not have knowledge and understanding of each other’s culture. Lack of understanding about one’s culture and how they behave makes people form stereotypical ideas about them (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). Lastly, stereotypes are often formed when people have for long time hold a certain belief about specific individuals or ethnic groups. Some stereotypes are formed when we are young, and as we grow, we carry the beliefs with us. Therefore, when we meet people from those communities, we believe that they are the way we thought they were when we were young.

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stereotypical expectations Elite Academic Research

I have worked with a cross-cultural group on various occasions. For instance, when I was in college, I was placed in a group of two Mexicans, an Indian, and a Caucasian. We were assigned a class assignment to complete. We worked well and completed the assigned work as per the instructions. However, at first, we had different stereotypes about each other because we did not know each other. For instance, all the team members believed that the Indian student practiced Hinduism. However, as we continued to interact, we found that she was a Christian and has been practicing Christianity since she was a child. The group member was not happy that we generalized that she was a Hindu because she was an Indian. I formed the stereotype about the group member because since I was young, I knew that all Indians are Hindus. I have also experienced stereotypes at my workplace when we are assigned to work on a specific task and yet we come from different ethnic groups. There was a time I was assigned to a group of Chinese colleagues. I had not interacted with the colleague before, and since I saw in the movies that most Chinese know how to fight, I asked him if he knows Kung Fu. He answered that not all Chinese are fighters, so we should not generalize.

Why Cross-Cultural Teams Have Difficulty 

Cross-cultural teams have difficulty due to many reasons. One of the reasons is having stereotypical ideas about each other. Cross-cultural teams engage in conflicts when members develop ideas which are not true about each other. Some stereotypes are harmful and negatively affect the relationship within the group (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). The stereotypes occur because the group members are new and do not understand much about each other. The second reason why cross-cultural teams have difficulty is communication, expression, and language. Zakaria and Yusof (2020) noted that the quality of communication is one of the main concerns in cross-cultural teams. Different cultures have the way they communicate, their language, and they express themselves. Creating forms of colloquialisms and slang may not be understood by team members due to cultural differences, and this might lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretations. For instance, a Chinese who does not understand English properly will have a hard time communicating with a teammate who is Caucasian. Chinese and Americans also have different ways of expressing their emotions, and this might lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations in their interaction.

The third reason why cross-cultural teams have difficulty is their work styles. Work approaches and styles may also vary when a team is made of people from diverse cultures. Some work cultures promote individual thinking and reward people for their contributions. American work style is an example of an individual approach (Thomas, 2020). However, other cultures foster collectivism and are not comfortable with an individual approach. People from West Africa, China, and Indonesia are an example of collective individuals. They like to work as a group and their efforts are attributed to the group and not an individual. Such differences in work style can lead to conflicts in team members do not understand each other. Lastly, cross-cultural teams might have difficulty working together because some of the team members feel superior other others (Thomas, 2020). Such a scenario mostly occurs when a certain ethnic group is a majority in the team. the group will more likely swing most decisions in their favor and dominate the team process. Such an environment can create frustration among the rest of the team, and this might negatively impact the performance of the team.

There was a time when I interpreted a cultural perspective differently from another member of my team. During my internship, I was assigned a Chinese patient together with two other team members. We were asked to prepare a room for the patient. I selected room four without having anything in mind and suggested that flowers are placed in the room to symbolize hope and everything right. However, in Chinese, four is considered an unlucky number because it is the same proposition as death and white is a color of mourning. My Asian team member corrected me by explaining the meaning of four and white and what they stand for in China. Without the help of the team member, the patient would have thought that we meant to kill him.

How c Differ from Traditional Teams

Virtual teams differ from traditional teams in the following ways. One of the ways is “Greater diversity in work norms and expectations” (Dyer Jr et al., 2013, pg. 236). Unlike teams assembled traditionally, virtual teams are brought together by people from different places with much greater diversity in languages, business functions, and cultures. For instance, virtual teams can include people from different walks of life who come together to discuss various issues concerning a company. Since virtual teams are mostly made of people of diverse backgrounds, team members should know cross-culture and how to handle people with different beliefs from theirs for the team to be high-performing. The second difference between virtual and traditional teams is that virtual teams greatly rely on technology as a vehicle for communication (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). Virtual teams cannot work without technology. All their communication is always conducted through technological means. For instance, if a company in the US merges with another one in Africa, India, or Asia, all its communication with workers abroad will be through technological networks such as Zoom and email. Though traditional teams use technology to communicate, virtual teams over-rely on technology as their mode of communication. 

The third way virtual teams differ from traditional teams is that virtual teams place greater demands on their team leaders (Dyer Jr et al., 2013). In addition to the team leader skills leader of traditional teams need, the virtual team leader must have enough cross-cultural skills to deal with cross-cultural team members. In other words, they must understand and know how people from diverse cultures operate for the team to be successful. They must also know how to solve conflicts that arise due to differences in culture and beliefs. Virtual team leaders must also know technological communication methods. Since virtual teams do not rely on face-to-face communication, their team leaders must know how to communicate clearly and concisely through technology to avoid misinterpretations (Garro-Abarca et al., 2021). Virtual team leaders are also needed to communicate freely and frequently with their team members. Communications are critical to negotiating compromises, resolving disagreements, and ensuring that each team member is valued and heard. 

Nurses are among professionals that can use both virtual and traditional teams. For instance, nurses working in healthcare organizations that have offices at different locations can use virtual teams to engage and complete projects and tasks. They can communicate through technological means, such as Zoom, email, and other video-conferencing applications. The professionals can also benefit from traditional teams. Nurses working in the same organization can form a traditional team and work on projects within the organization. Both teams will be valuable because they will enable the organization to meet its objectives. Both teams are also important in relationship building. Traditional team members tend to develop a social connection with each other when they meet in the workplace every day. Similarly, virtual team members develop social connections when they meet virtually, though the ties are as strong as those experienced in traditional teams. Interactions in virtual teams tend to be more focused on tasks and limit the personal touch in communication. 

Improving Virtual Teams’ Performance 

One of the approaches to improving the virtual team’s performance is establishing solid communication. Solid communication can be established by promoting technological communication (Morrison-Smith & Ruiz, 2020). Virtual teams highly depend on technology to communicate. Therefore, virtual team leaders should ensure that their members have access to technological gadgets which they can use to communicate with each other. The team leader should also ensure that the team members know how to apply the tools they can use to communicate technologically. Another way to establish solid communication is by promoting frequent communication. Communicating frequently will help in conflict resolution and negotiations. The second approach to improve virtual teams’ performance is allowing flexible work hours (Morrison-Smith & Ruiz, 2020). In most cases, team members in virtual teams are located in different time zones. Therefore, a team leader needs to assign work considering the time zones. If the workers are working from home, the leaders should be flexible when assigning them work. 

The third approach is taking the team members through virtual team training. Training workers before assigning them virtual teams can improve their performance. Virtual team members should undergo different types of training, and they include group processing training, technology training, and cross-cultural training (Garro-Abarca et al., 2021). Technology training should involve knowledge of how to use technological communication. Members should be trained about the type of tools to use during communication, when to use them, and how to use the tools. Members should also be trained in proper goal-setting, collaboration exercises, building trust among remote team members, and problem-solving skills. Lastly, training should also focus on how to overcome cultural differences, ignore stereotypes, overcome prejudices, and work with people of different cultures. The fourth approach is nurturing a reward-driven environment (Morrison-Smith & Ruiz, 2020). Virtual teams in most cases can positively impact productivity levels and the way workers approach projects. The team leader should ensure that they reward workers and do well in a team to promote a competitive drive.

The fifth approach is promoting proper leadership. Leadership is fundamental for virtual teams’ success. Virtual teams cannot perform well without effective team leadership (Morrison-Smith & Ruiz, 2020). Team leaders are required to provide direction and ensure that all communication tools are available and accessible to all team members. They should also provide feedback regularly and ensure that all team members’ concerns are addressed. The sixth approach is the delegation of tasks (Garro-Abarca et al., 2021). The team leader should not perform all tasks. They should delegate some of the responsibilities to virtual team members to make them more engaged. The last approach is setting mutual goals. Mutual goals will help the virtual team members knowledge their roles and what they need to do. Mutual goals will also improve team focus.


Stereotypical expectations are formed in cross-cultural groups because members of a cross-cultural team do not have specific information about each other and have no knowledge about different cultures. Cross-cultural teams have difficulty due to many reasons, including having stereotypical ideas about each other, difficulty in communication, expression, and language, difficulty in their work styles, and feelings of dominance. Virtual teams differ from traditional teams because they are greater in work norms and expectations, greatly rely on technology as a vehicle for communication and place greater demands on their team leaders. Virtual teams’ performance can be improved by establishing solid communication, allowing flexible work hours, conducting virtual teams training, nurturing a reward-driven environment, promoting proper leadership, a delegation of tasks, and setting mutual goals.


Dyer Jr, W. G., Dyer, J. H., & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance. John Wiley & Sons.

Garro-Abarca, V., Palos-Sanchez, P., & Aguayo-Camacho, M. (2021). Virtual teams in times of pandemic: Factors that influence performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 624637.

Kolbl, Ž., Diamantopoulos, A., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Zabkar, V. (2020). Do brand warmth and brand competence add value to consumers? A stereotyping perspective. Journal of Business Research, 118, 346-362.

Morrison-Smith, S., & Ruiz, J. (2020). Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: A literature review. SN Applied Sciences, 2(6), 1-33.

Thomas, A. (2020). Comparison of managing cultural diversity in German-Chinese research and business cooperation. In Merging Past, Present, and Future in Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 520-531). Garland Science.

Zakaria, N., & Yusof, S. A. M. (2020). Crossing cultural boundaries using the internet: Toward building a model of swift trust formation in global virtual teams. Journal of International Management, 26(1), 100654.


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