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ANSWERED: Community Engagement1

Community engagement

Assignment Instructions

Most community educational projects are developed in collaboration with other healthcare professionals and the affected population, rather than by community health nurses alone. Community engagement leads to the development of culturally sensitive and appropriate educational projects that are accepted to members of any population. Community engagement also strengthens relationships and connections with healthcare providers, thus creating a greater sense of community.

Utilizing the collaborative effort of healthcare professionals, facilities, organizations, and service providers in community engagement enhances health outcomes. Community health nurses who partner with local health departments, home health agencies, schools, community centers, volunteer organizations, adult daycare providers, and others is essential to creating a community engagement strategy.

In this course you will be conducting an educational presentation in the community. In this first module you will determine your site for the presentation. PLEASE NOTE: The site must be in community. Your presentation cannot be delivered to healthcare professionals or in the hospital setting or during your personal work hours.

 Learning Materials

Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and Community Health Nursing (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780133859591. Read Chapter 15. 

Discussion Question:

Answer both of the following questions honestly and professionally:

  1. Discuss the factors and approach you will use to develop a professional partnership with your selected site.
  2. What is the importance of collaborating with other healthcare professionals in order to establish trusting relationships to gain commitment for mobilizing health initiatives? 

Your initial posting should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be a minimum of 200 words in length. 

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Community Engagement  elite academic research


Community Engagement

Developing Professional Partnership

Community health professionals should develop partnerships with community members to effectively conduct their roles. I will develop a professional partnership with my selected site using the following strategies. The first strategy is setting clear expectations. One of the ways I can create a strong connection with my partners in my selected site is to make them know what the project is about and how it will benefit them. Setting clear goals will also help me avoid disagreements and complications over the roles of the partners. I will also develop a partnership with my selected site using effective communication. Communication is an effective tool when it comes to the development of relationships.

I will constantly communicate with the partners in the selected site to ensure that we agree on many issues regarding the project. I will communicate with the partners through various communication channels, such as emails, messages, and phone calls. Third, I will consider my partner as part of the project. Making the partner part of the project can prevent competition. The partners will also feel valued if they are made part of the team. Lastly, I will build a partnership with the selected site populations by being honest and transparent. In other words, the partners will be provided with information at every step of the project. The partners will stay informed about any development.

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Importance of Professional Collaboration

Collaboration in a healthcare setting involves working with a group of healthcare professionals to share skills and ideas to achieve the common goal. Healthcare professionals can improve productivity by working collaboratively instead of individually. Through collaboration, healthcare professionals can easily brainstorm ideas they can use to solve various problems within the healthcare setting. Schimith et al. (2021) noted that collaboration improves the efficiency and fastness of the problem-solving process. The authors argued that if healthcare professionals with different perspectives, ideas, and expertise work together, they will find innovative ways of solving problems faster and efficiently.

The second importance of collaboration is that it creates teamwork and brings healthcare professionals together to achieve common objectives. The role of a team in an institution is defined by common objectives. The role of teams is also to streamline the roles of individual workers in an organization. Teams also ensure that individual professionals achieve their goals. Collaboration can help teams communicate and share ideas and help them achieve their goals.

Collaboration also improves flexibility in an organization. Goda et al. (2018) noted that collaboration in a healthcare setting improves the organization’s ability to solve sudden problems and changes. The authors reported that working collaboratively makes it easier for healthcare professionals to handle sudden changes that improve the quality and safety of care services. Sørensen et al. (2018) reported that collaboration is the foundation of organizational success. The authors noted that healthcare organizations can only succeed if their employees work in collaboration. Lastly, through collaboration, individual employees will achieve their overall goals and objectives. Each worker in a healthcare organization has their dreams and visions. The visions can be easily achieved when they work together with other professionals.

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Elite Academic Research Community Engagement


Goda, L. R., Aref, S. M., & Abdel-Razek, A. M. (2018). Perception of Nurses and Physicians about Importance of Their Co..llaboration in the Work. Minia Scientific Nursing Journal, 3(1), 9-15.

Schimith, M. D., Cezar-Vaz, M. R., Xavier, D. M., & Cardoso, L. S. (2021). Communication in health and inter-professional collaboration in the care for children with chronic conditions. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 29.

Sørensen, M., Stenberg, U., & Garnweidner-Holme, L. (2018). A scoping review of facilitators of multi-professional collaboration in primary care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18(3).


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