Generate a professional Power Point presentation that sums the following areas:
Introduction to topic, include introducing yourself, why this is important (1 slide)
Develop a business plan to start or manage a practice (6-10), identify SWOT analysis, marketing plan, key stakeholders, reimbursement, insurance issues, a solid budget plan (expense and revenue sheet)
Construct an employment contract for an advanced practice nurse in your selected care setting. (3-4)) Be specific. What should APRN ask for salary, vacation, Health insurance, dental, vision, long and short term insurance, professional development/education fees, professional journals, any others?
Compare the legal, ethical, and contractual considerations for APRN in the employment setting (2-3 slides)
Inclusive of references in presentation, and references then fully presented in final slide of presentation as a reference page (1-2 slides)
Presentation should be minimally 25 slides, enough slides to appropriately cover material being presented
Presentation is to be designed as if you, the ARPN, were seeking funding for starting your own clinic.
Presentation to include:Contract portion is to be designed as if student/APRN was seeking a position. What would an APRN want in the contract? Provide details within the contract about salary, insurances, benefits, duties, etc.
Type of clinic, clientele serving, location
Mission/vision statement
DETAILED budget analysis. Expense and revenue reports
Insurance and reimbursement: Provide information on expected revenue. What would an APRN charge for certain visits (sick versus health check), what is expected pay from insurance types (private, Medicare/Medicaid?)
Contract portion is to be designed as if student/APRN was seeking a position. What would an APRN want in the contract? Provide details within the contract about salary, insurances, benefits, duties, etc.
MUST USE NOTES SECTION. NO AUDIO. Use the notes section to discuss content. Professor will be assessing analysis and synthesis of understanding of the content)
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