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ANSWERED: Vulnerable populations

vulnerable populations


Discuss your experiences/research with policies implemented to protect vulnerable populations such as patients with mental illness. How does the mental health Parity Act of 2008 improve mental health services?  Describe ethics as it relates to vulnerable populations and you as a healthcare professional. Include values, beliefs, and laws in your discussions.

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vulnerable populations Elite academic research


Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable Populations

The global prevalence of mental health issues and its effect on the economy regarding healthcare spending makes affected individuals unable to find adequate or timely care and treatment. The limited access to mental health care caused by a short supply of providers, financial problems, lack of insurance with mental health coverage, the stigma associated with looking for mental health services, and geographical isolation hinders many individuals with severe mental conditions from seeking and obtaining appropriate care (Almazeedi & Alsuwaidan, 2014).

Stigmatization of the condition is another factor that prevents affected people from receiving treatment as being mentally ill can be accompanied by severe consequences in some cultures.

Over the years, the issue of mental health has captured the eyes of many and different policies have been implemented to protect people with mental illnesses. Research shows that implementation of the policies is faced with barriers such as a mental health provider network that is short of supply compared to primary and specialty care. Other significant barriers present themselves to a patient trying to access mental health care plans, such as denial of care by insurers, hardships in finding psychiatrists and other mental health workers in insurance networks, and problems with accessing mental medications stakeholders (Hall-Clifford, et al., 2019).

Most healthcare providers do not accept new patients or accept their healthcare plans because of the large number of patients compared to providers. Access to providers is even worse for people living in rural areas, though the prevalence of mental disorders is almost equal between them. These results show that patients have to pay an additional out-of-pocket cost such as fuel costs for mental health services compared to other healthcare services.

The Mental health and Parity Act was enacted in 2008 to try and reduce the rate of suicide due to mental illnesses in the USA. The act called for parity in coverage for health insurance for mental and physical health in both quantifiable and non-quantifiable treatment plans. Since taking effect on 1st January 2010, many people have had access to behavioral healthcare.

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Vulnerable populations Elite Academic Research

Before the act, mental health and behavioral healthcare were covered at lower levels than other healthcare services, with higher financial requirements such as deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance. Behavioral healthcare had other stringent limitations applied to treatments, such as limited visits and inpatient days. The mental health and parity act provided for equal financial and treatment limitations for behavioral and non-behavioral healthcare.

Ethical issues should be considered while implementing these policies. Help vulnerable populations in improving their quality of life. Embrace policies that necessitate health insurers to include off-network costs. These are costs patients incur while trying to access providers and medication. A mental health model that integrates interprofessional care delivery would be vital in improving patients’ quality of life through collaborative efforts of different stakeholders (Hall-Clifford, et al., 2019).

A policy to develop a collaborative care model in primary and specialist care settings can incorporate alternative medical approaches and biomedical therapies, providing earlier detection and intervention of mental conditions. Creating a more patient-centered policy in delivering care and promoting the expansion of mental health providers in the country is vital. Policies that favor the increasing number of specialist psychiatrists will enable most patients to access care and minimize the rate of otherwise preventable problems.

It is clear that despite the passage of the federal mental parity act 2008, half of the 60 million children and adults living with mental conditions do not receive care and go without any treatment. Failures in the implementation of policies should include researcher and be dealt with to promote the delivery and easy access to behavioral healthcare. This will lead to decline on the severe case of mental health because the issue is addressed before it gets bad.


Almazeedi, H., & Alsuwaidan, M. T. (2014). “Integrating Kuwait’s Mental Health System to end stigma: a call to action.” Journal of Mental Health, 23(1), 1–3.

Hall-Clifford, R., Addiss, D. G., Cook-Deegan, R., & Lavery, J. V. (2019). Global Health Fieldwork Ethics: Mapping the Challenges. Health & Human Rights: An International Journal, 21(1), 1–5.


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