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ANSWERED: Roles of Nurses and Other healthcare Professionals

Roles of Nurses and Other healthcare Professionals


Reflect on the roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals as the roles of physicians in the healthcare system moves from one working in silos to a more progressive value -based system.

Write a paper that discusses in detail why a value based system may improve health care in the U.S and address the following questions:  

How has the current policy transformed the current practice of nurses,physicians, and other healthcare professionals?

What distinction can you make between physicians/healthcare providers working in a fee-for0service system and a value -based care system?

How do you view shared power between physicians and nurses in your healthcare system? How does it impact care?  This paper must be between 1500-2000 words with at least 3 scholarly references

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Roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals Elite academic research


Roles of Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals

How Has the Current Policy Transformed the Current Practice of Nurses, Physicians, And Other Healthcare Professionals?

Healthcare professionals work tirelessly to offer quality care to all patients as per their unique needs. the healthcare system goes through changes in regulation and financing which leads to better innovation and professional expert accountability and responsibility. The patient protection and affordable care act address the most recent policy-driven needs of the medical system. The current policy identifies three reforms including elevated care quality, increased access to healthcare for all Americans, and reduced health care expenses.

Embracing value-based care enables the specialists to get paid based on care efficiency and quality care they offer to the patients. The current policy transforms the current healthcare professional practices in significant ways. The policy facilitates the establishment of progressive practice roles and the nursing education expansion (Cleveland et al., 2019). It enhances the policy skills and administrative developments within the administrative practice and nursing curricula. It leads to a better transformation of the explosion of nurses and other healthcare experts into leadership positions beyond the health sector and insurance companies.

Embracing the value-based system ensures that the healthcare sector complies with critical domains of assessment. It transforms the ongoing practice of nurses and other healthcare experts by ensuring they offer better clinical care, reduces costs while improving treatment efficiency. The value-based system ensures that there is better community engagement. It has impacted nursing care for the betterment and reduced poor patient care (Cleveland et al., 2019).

The current policy reduces the barriers to practice for the nurses to become whole partners with physicians and other healthcare experts in many states. Adopting performance-based nursing care to align with value-based healthcare results in transparency for nursing care costs rather than burying the nursing care costs.

The policy ensures that nurses become involved in all healthcare decision-making processes including during policy changes and reforms. it leads to a coalition that increases the number of nurses who have a say in the governing boards. It improves the healthcare practices among communities and the nation at large. Nurses have an impact on healthcare costs, access, and quality. Through their extensive knowledge, they offer great insights with diverse opinions which can guide the healthcare organization through the various transitions that lead to a patient-centered care approach (Cleveland et al., 2019).

The policy enables all healthcare professionals to contribute to transformative changes that take place within the healthcare sector. It enables the healthcare professional teams to adopt team-based and patient-centered care. Embracing a progressive value-based system ensures that the healthcare providers work effectively through a collaborated networking team to deliver the ideal coordinated care. It allows patient outcomes to become swiftly measured via a shared patient data which reduces redundancy in healthcare and minimizes any unnecessary costs.

The affordable care policy places demands on the healthcare experts and provides them with numerous opportunities to come up with a patient-centered system (Cleveland et al., 2019). The policy ensures that there is urgency while dealing with chronic ailments, care coordination, prevention and wellness, and primary care. It works towards giving the aging population better palliative and long-term care which will continue to flourish as days pass by.

The current policy ensures that the nurses and other healthcare professionals tailor their practices to ensuring that the ethnic minority and racial groups do not face obstacles while seeking access to healthcare. The policy ensures that healthcare is socioeconomic and culturally diverse to the citizens in various parts of the nation.

What Distinction Can You Make Between Physicians/Healthcare Providers Working in A Fee-For-Fee Service System and A Value-Based Care System?

The transition to a value-based care system is a significant revolution within the healthcare practice. It focuses on care quality, and it comes tethered to the patient’s recovery outcomes. The healthcare providers working in the fee-for-fee service system worked towards filling as many hospital beds as possible and performing as numerous high-tech procedures as they could. Sadly, it resulted in increased healthcare costs and not improving the patient’s outcome (Zbrog, 2021).

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Roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals Elite Academic Research

In the fee-for-fee system, the healthcare providers became compensated for the procedure, treatment, or test they carried out. the system rewarded quantity care over quality. It made more patients pass through unnecessary tests or treatment procedures which was costly. The system overlooked less invasive, or lower costs options while attending to the patients.

Healthcare experts working in the value-based care system put the patients’ outcomes as a major priority. They tether the reimbursement metrics and focus on quality care to their patients. The medical experts working in value-based care adopt the four forms of supporting this system. The physicians work on a shared risk model to minimize spending while meeting the stipulated budgetary requirements and still offer top-notch care.

These physicians also work on shared savings with other departments within the healthcare organization. it ensures that cash saved in one area of the healthcare organization can become redirected to another sector to meet the healthcare budgetary goals. The healthcare experts in the value-based system embrace a global capitation system (Zbrog, 2021). The short-term and long-term patients split the medical costs amongst themselves and adopt a per-person, per-month contract. It aids in the reduction of the healthcare provider’s financial burden while making sure each patient gets top-notch care.

The physicians in the value-based care system are naturally incentivized to adopt efficiency in their duties and ensure they lower unnecessary costs, unlike the fee-for-fee service system. The value-based system ensures there is proper adoption of a holistic patient care system unlike dwelling on a symptom management system. As a result, healthcare professionals take the cheaper route such as automated check-in tests and procedures on their patients (Zbrog, 2012). Physicians in the fee-for-fee care system developed a competitive relationship among the various healthcare entities including the payers and the providers.

However, the healthcare experts in the value-based system embraced a unified approach with other healthcare entities to ensure they share risk among them. It resulted in a reduction of bundled payment between the payer and the providers. The value-based healthcare system can be strongly linked with Medicare and Medicaid. It ensures a more connected support network for patients while the fee-to-fee healthcare system has a lack of differentiation in terms of patient outcomes.

How Do You View Shared Power Between Physicians and Nurses in Your Healthcare System?

The shared power between nurses and physicians is essential in bettering the healthcare system. Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork ensure that patients outcomes improve and that there are top-notch health services always. Shared power means all healthcare professionals combine their efforts in sharing duties and responsibilities to solve problems efficiently and fast.  It means that physicians and nurses engage in decision-making together and formulate a care plan that is best for the patients. Through shared power, teamwork becomes a norm, and it reduces healthcare costs and maintains patient safety (Elsous et al., 2017).

The physicians and nurses are engaging in better communication with each other and solve their problems amicably. Shared power ensures there is better information flow among nurses and physicians. It results in minimal work errors and poor patient outcomes. It leads to a satisfactory interprofessional relationship among the nurses and physicians. Through job satisfaction, both the physicians and nurses look forward to working together and reduces the shortage of nurses or physicians who quit their job to seek work elsewhere.

Shared power ensures there is interlinked engagement among the physicians and the nurses. It results in the spirit of motivation among the workforce and ensures that each person aids their colleagues during working hours and beyond. Adopting engagement ensures that people get proper support to assist new nurses or physicians adjust to the pressures of working within the healthcare setup. Shared power goes beyond silo-based thinking and embraces each persons differing perspectives and priorities. It ensures that each person focuses on patient satisfaction and putting differences aside to achieve full-spectrum care.

A shared power approach between the nurses and physicians ensures that they assist each other within the healthcare setup and become more sensitive to the demands of exhausting nursing and physician routine. It ensures that all the participants working at the healthcare facility can adjust their schedules and spend time attending to the patient effectively. The interprofessional collaboration among physicians and nurses ensures that every staff member feels heard and their voice is important during any reforms made.

Shared power between nurses and physicians goes beyond doctors giving our orders and nurses performing the complementary role. it is more than the hierarchical structure where the physicians seem to have dictatorial dominance and nurses being the lesser assistants. Shared power in the healthcare system embraces a holistic partnership among the nurses and the physicians. Each participant has a role to play in improving the healthcare system (Elsous et al., 2017).

Therefore, they need to combine their knowledge and efforts to improving the healthcare system and ensuring that patients are treated in a conducive that is free from professional conflict. Shared power means that no participant has excessive authoritative power over other workmates. However, it ensures that both the physicians and the nurses enjoy autonomy and respect which creates a more cooperative relationship and conducive healthcare working environment.

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Roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals Elite academic research

How Does It Impact Care?

Shared power has a significant impact on care. It ensures there is proper teamwork and collaboration among the physicians and nurses which results in top-notch care and safety. The interprofessional collaboration ensures that both the physicians and nurses share their expertise and knowledge in a safe environment built on respect and mutual trust (Aghamohammadi et al., 2019). The impact of shared power collaboration goes beyond the common working environment. It has an impact on the general reciprocal duties to offer top-notch care while resolving patients’ problems swiftly and effectively.

The shared power ensures that it improves patient outcomes such as mortality rates, reduces disease complications, and lowers readmission rates. Through shared power and collaboration, the nurses and physicians can treat the underserved communities and populations with minimal access to healthcare better. It ensures that all the healthcare experts can learn collaboratively about the multiple health problems that patients might have and offer the best way forward. It ensures there is solid communication with eases the report offered to patients and their families. It enables the patients to be more receptive to the treatment offered and become satisfied with the healthcare services they receive.

Shared power leads to better understanding among the nurses and physicians. It creates a peaceful working environment despite the daily hustles to attend to out-patients, emergency patients, and critical patients. It reduces work burnout and ethical stress levels. Both the nurses and physicians collaborate to aid their counterparts overcome any work challenge and overcome stress levels that might jeopardize their work quality (Aghamohammadi et al., 2019). The shared power among nurses and physicians impacts care through decision-making. It ensures that both physicians and nurses respect professional boundaries and maintain ethical working relationships. It assists in achieving the patient’s healthcare outcome

Shared power and proper collaboration bring about autonomy which is the bedrock of any line of work. It enables nurses to work towards strengthening their nursing careers advancing clinical autonomy (Aghamohammadi et al., 2019). Through shared power, there is reduced transfer to nonclinical units by nurses as they can perform their duties independently without feeling overshadowed by physicians. It enables the nurses to identify the patients’ needs and take the right cause of action while seeking guidance from other physicians without being undermined.

Shared power brings about understanding of each other’s role in bettering healthcare and ensuring all participants work towards achieving a common goal which is improved patient care and safety. Shared power impacts the patients’ experience through satisfaction and quality. It leads to improved outcomes and reduces per capita healthcare costs.


Aghamohammadi, D., Dadkhah, B., & Aghamohammadi, M. (2019). Nurse-Physician Collaboration and the Professional Autonomy of Intensive Care Units Nurses. Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, 23(4), 178–181. DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23149

Cleveland, K.A., Motter, T., Smith, Y., (May 31, 2019) “Affordable Care: Harnessing the Power of Nurses” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 24, No. 2, Manuscript 2. DOI:10.3912/OJIN.Vol24No02Man02

Elsous, A., Radwan, M., & Mohsen, S. (2017). Nurses and Physicians Attitudes toward Nurse-Physician Collaboration: A Survey from Gaza Strip, Palestine. Nursing research and practice, 2017, 7406278. DOI: 10.1155/2017/7406278

Zbrog, M. (2021). What Switching to Value-Based Care from Fee-for-Service Reimbursement Means for Healthcare Providers. Retrieved from


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