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ANSWERED: Research Paper Proposal Assignment Instructions

Research Paper Proposal Assignment Instructions

Overview of research paper proposal

This research paper is designed with a couple goals in mind. The first is to allow the student to explore more deeply one particular area related to this course. The second is to get students acquainted with thesis-driven research. Most students come into this program with experience in the area of topic-driven research, but have typically not been required to develop a line of argument that is pursued within a paper. Since doctoral-level research requires this kind of research, it is imperative that students begin to develop this skillset.


Specific reqirements for this paper are as follows:

  • 3,000 words excluding the title page and bibliography.
  • Current APA format must be followed
  • 20 sources must be used excluding the course textbooks and the Bible
  • The thesis, or application thereof, must connect in some way to Christian education or Christian leadership.
  • Students may choose any topic for this research paper that is covered in any of the following 2 textbooks:
    • Anthony, Michael J., and Warren S. Benson. Exploring the History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Principles for the 21st Century.
    • Estep Jr., James R., and Michael J. Anthony, and Gregg R. Allison. A Theology for Christian Education.

This paper will be due in the following stages:

  1. Proposal: This first assignment will include at least the presentation of the thesis being argued, limitations of the study (a clear articulation of what aspects of the topic will not be discussed in the paper and why,) general progression of the argument, and a bibliography containing the primary sources that will shape the argument. Please see the example provided in the course.
    1. Draft: This assignment is intended to be the student’s best effort on a completed research paper. Note that the elements from the proposal should be folded into this draft (typically as part of the introduction where appropriate.) They should not remain in their proposal form but should become part of the paper.
    2. Final Submission: This assignment will include requested edits and other finishing touches (such as the title page, etc.).

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Research paper proposal Elite academic research

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Important: The number one point of struggle for students in this course has been the difficulty of learning to write a thesis-driven research paper. This is not a research paper simply designed to rehash and report on the information you found in various books and articles. Students at the doctoral level are expected to design a well-developed thesis argument that is introduced and woven throughout the paper (see the Kibbe textbook From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research.) For even more help with what this looks like, it would be wise for the student also to review Weston, Anthony, A Rulebook for Arguments (Hackett Student Handbooks).

Also Important: 3,000 words is not a lot of space to craft a research-based argument. Careful attention should be given to the scope of the topic. One could make the mistake of being too broad thus losing the ability to present a clear and concise argument due to superfluous information or being too narrow (causing the opposite but equally devastating problem). But it is better to begin with a broader topic and then to narrow your focus from there. This is where careful limitations are useful.

Sample student Answer

Research Paper: Proposal Example

(Be sure to supply a title page per APA formatting standards.)

            Develop a brief introductory paragraph or two.


This paper will argue that although the discipline of Christian education has, at times in Christian history, been thought of as an optional task for the Christian community, a close investigation of key biblical foundations of Christian education reveals that Christian education is a divine imperative that cannot be overlooked by the church. 

Limitations of the Study

The history of the Christian church is quite extensive. Therefore, this paper cannot survey all eras of church history. The paper will focus primarily on the era(s) in church history when Christian education has been somewhat peripheral to the church’s mission. Some attention will also be given to the earliest Christian church to consider how the Christians closest to the time of Christ viewed education.

Though the paper will demonstrate the fact that Christian education is a divine imperative based on biblical foundations of Christian education, it is beyond the scope of the paper to explore and evaluate every biblical foundation of Christian education. Thus, the paper will focus on those foundations that most clearly articulate the obligatory nature of Christian education for the church.

The paper will consider the role of the church for the purpose of Christian education, since the biblical precedent shows the church to be, at least in part, responsible for educating believers. The section will highlight some biblical examples of believers learning alongside other believers within the context of Christian community. However, this section will not list specific church programs or methods for educating Christians in the church. The emphasis will be on the necessity of the church to function as the context for education without delving into particular methodologies.

Research paper proposal Elite academic research

General Progress of Argument/Outline

  • Introduction
  • Historical overview-This section will highlight instances when the church underplayed the significance of Christian education. Also, the section will draw attention to the earliest Christian church to gain insight on Christian education amongst the believers at that time.  
  • Biblical foundations-This section will highlight key biblical foundations of Christian education. The focus will be specifically on the fact that education is not simply a novel idea but rather a command from God that must be obeyed.
  • Education in Community- A review of key biblical foundations of education will reveal that Christian education is a task of the Christian church in particular. Thus, this section will provide an overview of the context for Christian education, which is the church.
  • Conclusion


(Proposal should have at least 10 of the 20 required)

Anthony, M. J., & Benson, W. S. (2011). Exploring the history and philosophy of Christian education: Principles for the 21st century. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.

Anthony, M. J. (Ed.). (2001). Evangelical dictionary of Christian education. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

Bock, D. L. (2007). Acts: Baker exegetical commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

Blomberg, C. L. (1992). Matthew: New American commentary. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

Dillard, R. B. (1987). Word biblical commentary: 2 Chronicles. Dallas, TX: Word Books.

Estep, J. R., Jr., Anthony, M. J., & Allison, G. R. (2008). A theology for Christian education.Nashville, TN: B&H Academic.

Knight, G. W. (1996). The Scriptures were written for our instruction. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 39 (1), 3-13. Retrieved from

Norvell, W. H. (2003). Biblical foundations for the teaching ministry of the Church. Midwestern Journal of Theology 1 (1), 84-93. Retrieved from

Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts: New American commentary. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

Pearcey, N. (2004). Total truth: Liberating Christianity from its cultural captivity. Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

Thompson, J. A. (1994). 1, 2 Chronicles: New American commentary. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.


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