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Population Health and Translational Research: NUR550 Topic 2 Discussions

Population Health and Translational Research

Topic 2 DQ 1

Explain the value of biostatistics in population health research. Describe the role of epidemiology in researching and addressing population health challenges. How are epidemiology and biostatistics significant to your evidence-based practice proposal?

Sample Student answer One

Population health outcomes can be described as the health outcomes in a given group of individuals and how those outcomes are distributed within that group. On the other hand, biostatistics is a field that applies statistical principles to problems concerning public health, biology, or medicine. The application of biostatistics in public health allows efficient and judicious use of resources to deal with different population health issues.

Biostatistics is used in epidemiological studies to explain how diseases develop and spread, the whole process being facilitated by statistical tools and analysis (Lee et al., 2019). Using biostatistics, we can also predict how the spread of diseases may occur over time, allowing the establishment of proper interventions. Epidemiology plays a crucial role in identifying the risk factors and proper interventions to different diseases or health conditions affecting the public or a given population. Epidemiology provides an interdisciplinary approach through which diseases can be surveilled, pertinent risk factors identified, and proper interventions made to deal with the health issues (Gulis & Fujino, 2015).

Knowledge of the risk factors associated with diseases can also be used to direct further research investigation and to implement more appropriate disease control measures. Through the vast wealth of accumulated knowledge and experience gained from epidemiology, health care providers can understand the micro-environments and specific agents that may impact health.

In my research, I can use the vast knowledge gathered using epidemiological studies to understand the pertinent causes surrounding obesity in children. Epidemiology also provides a way through which I can understand the political, social, and scientific factors (social determinants of health) that exacerbate the risk of obesity in children. Biostatistics, on the other hand, can help identify and analyze statistical trends concerning the population health issue of interest.


Gulis, G., & Fujino, Y. (2015). Epidemiology, population health, and health impact assessment. Journal of epidemiology25(3), 179–180.

Lee, K. J., Moreno‐Betancur, M., Kasza, J., Marschner, I. C., Barnett, A. G., & Carlin, J. B. (2019). Biostatistics: a fundamental discipline at the core of modern health data science. The Medical Journal of Australia211(10), 444.


Population health Elite academic research

Sample student answer two

Statistical reasoning’s and methods that address major health problems in public health is biostatistics. The aim of every study in the field of biostatistics is to discover something about a population—all patients with a particular disease, for example (Minkoff, 2018). Researchers study a group of individuals that they have a particular interest in, as they cannot reasonably study every individual that has a specific disease. Biostatics focuses on statistically analyzing data regarding public health. Biostatics utilizes informatics to help collect and breakdown data.

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems (CDC, 2020). Epidemiology relies on biostatistics and other scientific fields to collect data. Through epidemiology and biostatics, public health risks can be identified and predicted. Public health polices can be developed to implement disease control measures to help prevent specific diseases. Epidemiology identifies groups at greater risk for specific diseases. This helps get disease prevention interventions out to those at risk populations. 

Epidemiology and biostatistics will help identify specific risks factors for my evidenced based project proposal. Specific risk factors such as age, sexual orientation, or social-economics can be identified.


Minkoff, E. C., PhD. (2018). Biostatistics. Magill’s Medical Guide (Online Edition).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2020, May 11). Principles of epidemiology | Lesson 1 – Section 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Population health Elite academic research

Topic 2 DQ 2

Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomics. Explain how translational research can be applied in these areas to address the burden of global disease.

Sample student answer one

Translational research aims at evaluating whether fin=dings collected from scientific research can be converted into clinical practice. Translational research plays a crucial role in addressing different global health issues by linking evidence to implementable interventions. Translational research and epidemiology provide health care workers with the ability to understand pertinent health care issues, such as the spread of certain diseases and the best route of action informed by evidence on how to deal with the issue.

Shah et al. (2016) describe the combination of the two as “translational epidemiology” which they describe as the study of risk factors and disease in large populations, harnessing the power of modern phenotyping, to come up with proper interventions to address the issues. Using translational research and epidemiology, we can identify the risk factors, including the social determinants that influence the health outcomes of populations. Translational research also helps to interpret the genomic variants in a given patient or common within a given population to guide precision diagnosis and personalized treatment (Pasipoularides, 2017).

Doing so also changes the strategy of dealing with hereditary health issues, from the management of the health conditions, as is the case with most genetic disorders, to a preventive approach. Such efforts towards preventing genetic diseases will significantly reduce the global burden associated with diseases.


Pasipoularides A. (2017). Genomic translational research: Paving the way to individualized cardiac functional analyses and personalized cardiology. International journal of cardiology230, 384–401.

Shah, R., Pico, A. R., & Freedman, J. E. (2016). Translational Epidemiology: Entering a Brave New World of Team Science. Circulation research119(10), 1060–1062.

Population health Elite academic research

Sample student answer 2

Translational research has tremendous potential as a tool to reduce health disparities in the United States, but a lack of common understanding about the scope this dynamic, multidisciplinary approach to research has limited use (Fleming, et al, n. d). Translational research can be used in many areas of health care like ecological issues, principles of genetics and genomics as well as in social determinants of health to come up with better way in which health delivery can be done in a quicker and effective way that produces good patient outcomes, as well as reduces the disparities that are found in the delivery health.

Technological advancements have made it easy to collect information on different health care issues globally allowing for easy access of information, this is used in translational health to come up with health solutions on a large scale that could help solve many globally health problems. Addressing the real-world issues that fall under the domain of phase tworesarch translation if vital to eliminate health disparities because most of the inter-group variance in reductions in morbidity and mortality that can be attributed to newly developed treatment relates to the delivery of interventions at the provider- patient level, rather than differential pharmacodynamic effects of the treatments themselves (Fleming, et al, n, d).


Flaming, E. Perkings, J. Easa, D. Conde, J G. Baker, R, K. Southerland, W, M. Dottin, R. Benabe, J, E. Ofoli, E, O. Bond, V, C. Mdure, S, A. Sayre, M, H. Beanan, M, J. Norris, K, C. (n, d). The role of translational health in addressing health disparities: A conceptual framework.


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