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ANSWERED: Biblical Theology Paper Annotated Bibliography Assignment 1Instructions

Biblical Theology Paper Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions



Throughout the class, you will work on a Biblical Theology Paper. This paper will define a theological concept, trace that concept throughout Scripture (Old and New Testaments), and then apply an understanding of the concept to various aspects of leadership. Throughout the course, three specific assignments will focus on the Biblical Theology Paper:

  1. Biblical Theology Paper: Proposal Assignment
  2. Biblical Theology Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
  3. Biblical Theology Paper: Final Draft Assignment


You will complete an Annotated Bibliography of 20 sources for the Biblical Theology Paper. The annotations must demonstrate how the resources are likely to be important to a biblical/theological analysis of your topic, or the application of the doctrine to one’s leadership.

The 20 annotations must be academic or peer-reviewed and must include at least 5 articles. The remaining 15 sources can be books or commentaries. Encyclopedias or Bible dictionaries cannot be used for this assignment, as they are generally not in-depth enough to be considered scholarly resources. Each annotation must be 150–200 words and in current APA format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Annotated Bibliography

  1. Bowling, C. J. (2001). The Spirit of Leadership: Liberating the Leader in Each of Us. The Leadership Quarterly, 12(3), 369-371. doi:10.1016/s1048-9843(01)00085-6

          In essence, a Christian is one that is Christ-like, which is illustrated through one’s daily life. Bowling asserts that one must focus on illustrating this life in leadership by being a spiritual model. Practicing a consistent fellowship with God is important because this is how a leader’s fountain becomes filled with water. The research offers a point of growth for leaders, who have never considered the point of incorporating one’s spiritual life in the workplace. One should not refrain from or block one’s possible blessing because with the spirit one can transcend from oneself and be able to do the will of God. As a leader self-interest are not always important, but what is better for the group overall. Becoming that liaison of Christ one is able to just do that with the spirit’s empowered leadership capabilities. Bowling supports his finding that putting God first is the ultimate key to success for leaders.

    2.Chapman, J. M. (n.d.). The Role of the Fruit of the Spirit in Preventive Counseling. doi:10.2986/tren.001-0196

Leaders need various tools in their tool bag, and one of which is the ability or the know-how to be able to effectively counsel. Engaging in spiritual practice can be a new concept for anyone but in this source, Chapman is framing the idea of counseling newlyweds. As a new couple, there are often a million questions that arise that a spiritual conscious leader must be able to help guide. The richness of God is the Fruit of the Spirit, and a pastor according to Chapman, can have the ability to equip new couples with the tools they need to withstand marital temptations and marital fatigue. Chapman asserts that God gave this mandate: “therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”1. So in connection marriages can thrive with leaders connecting couples with God to ensure that things such tension is reduced. The great thing about the Fruit of the Spirit is that the children in the home will be emotionally healthy as well. The connection of spirit empowers the leader and the couple.

3. Damazio, F. (1988). The Making of a Leader. United States: City Christian Publishing.

Frank Damazio plot a leadership roadmap for spiritual leaders noting the requirement needed to be fruitful. Damazio starts with the nature of leadership and writes about the Church Leadership Backgrounds and conflicts.  Leaders have to realize that a call to leadership is a call to inevitably serve God. As a delegate of Christ in leadership one has to fulfill the qualification with the works necessary. The scripture states in Matthew 24:45-47 “A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns.” A leader seeking abundance must prepare, sow seeds, and stand the test of the seasons in order to sustain a fruitful relationship with God.

Day, D. V. (2012). Leadership. In S. W. J. Kozlowski (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of organizational psychology, Vol. 1, pp. 696–729). Oxford University Press.

The relationship between leadership and psychology is examined in an academic journal published by The Oxford handbook of organizational psychology.  Darrien Day notes “. Several special circumstances with regard to leadership are first considered, including the varied domains in which leadership is relevant, its multilevel nature, the multiple sources of origin for leadership, and the multiple outcomes in terms of leader emergence and effectiveness. Various leadership theories and frameworks are reviewed, organized around classical theories (evolutionary, trait, behavior, and contingency), bridging theories (charismatic/ transformational, leader-member exchange, and leadership perceptions), and emerging approaches (team, shared, and capacity approaches).”  Looking at special circumstances when it comes to leadership, leadership frame, and approaches can help to provide a holistic understanding of leadership as a whole.

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Biblical theology paper annotated bibliography Elite academic research

4. Greenbaum, R. L., Mawritz, M. B., & Piccolo, R. F. (2012). When Leaders Fail to “Walk the Talk”.

Journal of Management, 41(3), 929-956. doi:10.1177/0149206312442386

When leaders fail to walk the talk that they project on their subordinates, then naturally their relationship will falter according to the associated researchers Greenbaum, Mawritz, and Piccolo. The Journal of Management focuses on the underlying part of leadership, especially when it comes to leaders negating their responsibilities. In an exploration of leadership, the associated researchers assert “Although creating an interpersonal justice expectation may seem desirable, its presence along with supervisory behavior that is interpersonally unfair could have the unintended effect of creating perceptions of leader hypocrisy. Supervisor undermining is arguably a form of interpersonal injustice in that supervisors fail to treat subordinates with respect …belittling their ideas, spreading rumors about them, talking badly about them, and making them feel incompetent (Duffy et al., 2002). Subordinates are likely to view supervisor

undermining as an organizational encounter that is harmful, wrong, and unjust.” A good leader always makes the first step to being consistently correct and does not negate the needs of employees. In theory being: honest, patient, gentle, and self-conscious are all Fruits of the Spirit, which could help a leader form a platform for growth.

5. Holden, J. M., Lankford, C., & Holmes, L. (2019). After-death communication and the biblical fruits of the spirit: An online survey. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 6(1), 15-26. doi:10.1037/scp0000161

          After Death Communication (ADC) is a concept that Christians, or better yet most people alike would like to deny based on the belief that it is an evil entity. Some research was conducted by an online survey to explore these supernatural occurrences by three researchers Holden, Lankford, Holmes. The researchers have claimed that said experiences to be common and retrospectively beneficial.  The observation was done of a variety of Christians of various shades and shapes, and the researchers counseled in majority particularly conservative Christian clients who have expressed the most reluctance, distress, rejection, and/or avoidance of such experiences, considering them evil or “of the Devil. Using the Biblical litmus test for determining the Holy Spirit as a source of phenomena—whether they yield the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Holmes). A unique consideration, however, in observation of the Holy Spirit one can expect nothing less since God works in mysterious ways.

6. Jackson, E. M., & Johnson, R. E. (2012). When opposites do (and do not) attract Interplay of leader and follower self-identities and its consequences for leader-member exchange. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 488-501. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2011.12.003

          The interplay between a leader and follower is something that is brought to the stage of examination with a leader journal published by The Leadership Quarterly.

           Followership is something that is vague in understanding to many people because so much emphasis is put on the ability to lead. Leadership is the name of game so much that people often do not see the need to seek to learn how to maximize their ability in following. Being the bigger person in a situation, thinking beyond oneself, or looking at situations from alternative perspectives are all tasks that leaders and even team members tend to not focus on because of the fact of not seeing necessity in it. In Matthews 5; 44-55 and Acts 14: 15 the words speak to the fact of showing kindness to one’s neighbor, with the connection of showing a season of joy to one’s neighbor to have an expectation of abundance in return. So in translation one can assert the fact of when opposites do not see eye to eye because of self-identities, the resolve is to begin to think beyond oneself. Manokha, I. (2006). Business ethics and the spirit of global capitalism: Moral leadership in the context of global Hegemony1. Journal of Global Ethics, 2(1), 27-41.

          Doi: 10.1080/17449620600677247

7. Noyes, Penny. “What Are the Fruit of the Spirit?”, 25 Aug. 2021.

       Leaders can improve upon their relationship with God by hemming and sustaining one’s relationship with the Lord. This relation is bolstered by Penny Noyes Christian article “What are the Fruit of the Spirt?”, he states “ Understanding that “fruit” in this verse can mean “deed, action, or result” helps make this verse more personal. The result or the work of the Spirit in a believer’s life is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control” (Noyes). In a leader’s understanding and improvement upon their relationship with God, in holy nature, this produces abundance with their lives. A leader using this knowledge can be consequently effective as a biblical tool in guiding their flock, team, or any subordinate.  It is important for leaders to understand the symbolization of the Fruit of the Spirit and refer to it as a fruit because that is the end product of the labor that has been put in.

 8.   The Relationship between Justification and Spiritual Fruit in Romans 5–8 (1966). Spiritual Exercises. doi:10.5040/

         Attitude is everything, and this point is maximized by Jonathan Pratt in an academic journal entitled “The Relationship between Justification and Spiritual Fruit in Romans 5-8. In exercise for a leader to repeat an abundant harvest, there must be spiritual actions of redemption in order to reach a leader’s true potential. Pratt points out in identification,       “ Identifying the criteria used for determining evidences of fruit-bearing in Romans 5–8 is crucial for the defense of the stated thesis. Whenever Paul provides explanations of the believer’s new life in Christ in these chapters, 14 he gives information that may pertain to fruit-bearing and so to the issue at hand. If his description of the Christian involves a righteous response such as an action, attitude, or thought as opposed to a possession, then Paul provides descriptions that can be considered as applying to the concept of spiritual fruit-bearing.” So this reference adds to the theory that a leader of any kind has to put in the necessary work to repeat the fruits that they desire with spiritual practice.

9. Staff, B. (2015, February 04). Bible Verses for Labor Day and Work. Retrieved from

 A Christian study tool speaks to the consistent labor a Christian, leader, or any for that matter must put in to receive a manifested abundance.  Editors of the Christian study tool note in reference to labor that “the beginning of work is from the beginning of time. God Himself worked for six days and rested on the seventh. When God completed creation He called it “very good”. We are created in the image of God and are designed to experience success and fulfillment through hard work! As Christians, we should view our jobs as an opportunity to serve God through perseverance and patience, and serve others through a Christ-like attitude.”  A Christ-like attitude is one of the key characteristics in leading and modeling the behavior needed to acquire more. A leader has the ability to acquire more through the representation of true Christian-like attributes and competencies.   The attributes and competencies of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, longanimity (or long-suffering), mildness (or gentleness), faith, modesty, self-control, and chastity are characteristics that a leader or person can utilize to gain a closer relationship with God.

Biblical theology paper annotated bibliography Elite academic research

10. Spirit-Filled Grassroots Leadership. (2018). Building Leadership Bridges Leadership and Power in International Development, 179-181. doi:10.1108/s2058-880120180000006018

         When intersectional barriers get in the way, how does a leader respond? In reality, no leader will be met with perfect resources, perfect subordinates, perfect peers, or perfect anyone for that matter. The “Spirit-Filled Grassroots Leadership,” a leadership journal, provides a theory on how to build bridges through leadership not necessarily power. Any leader can yield with a sword, but many cannot gain a response without it. A leader using the attributes and competencies of: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, longanimity (or long-suffering), mildness (or gentleness), faith, modesty, self-control, and chastity can truly lead, and by spiritual nature gain more. The iron fist is not always the option, and this is illustrated in scripture with Joshua 24 wherein parallel Joshua makes the same decision stating, “But as for me and my house,” he says, “we will service the Lord.”  This was a reference to an option that he provided to his subordinates of serving the Lord.

11. Welch, M. (2012). Manifestation of the Spirit: An Investigation on the Impact of a Curriculum and Small Group Spiritual Direction on the Spiritual Formation of Protestant Men. Pastoral Psychology, 62(1), 81-99. doi:10.1007/s11089-012-0449-9

          In Psalms 118:28, the scripture states, “This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. What it did not state is who should be glad in it, and rightfully so it shouldn’t because God is good. The Bible speaks to how everyone and everything is made because of God, so everyone and everything shall rejoice as well because glad because it so. The problem that Welch in a Biblical Journal brings to the roundtable discussion is how in Protestant Churches this is often stricken when coming to a Men’s perceived direction of worship. It is important for leaders to discuss such matters because this is what helps get not only the church but God’s People to a better point of understanding.  Welch notes “there has been a gradual increase in interest in men’s spirituality in popular culture over the past decade, the practice of Christian spirituality for men often conflicts with or contradicts preconceived notions of masculinity as a social construction shaped by tradition, literature, and the media (Connell 2005).In dissection, this will allow forward analysis into alleged inhibitors of Men’s worship.

12.          Ireland, R. D., & Hitt, M. A. (1999). Achieving and maintaining strategic leadership in the 21st century: The role of strategic leadership. The Academy of Management Executive, 13(1), 43-57. Retrieved from

           Achieving and maintaining leadership can be a struggle, especially when a leader has no type of guidance. Looking the Epistle to the Galatians 5:22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Paul offers the good news about what can come from being an obedient and devoted Christian in his Gospel. It can be argued that there is Freedom in Christ; Paul’s words can also assert that one cannot just rely on faith alone, yet a Christian wishing to grow will have to put forth an effort.  Effort is in strategic leadership in learning how manage effectively. This research offer insight on how to become a more effective leader.

13.           Kent, T. W. (2005). Leading and managing: It takes two to tango. Management Decision, 43(7), 1010-1017. doi: Kest, R. T.

 It’s a fact that faith must be combined with work to be fruitful, and the scripture supports this in Proverbs 12:11 “Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense. Look at engaging techniques can appeal to larger audience, have a greater grasp on how to go about leading one’ subordinate. Taking the time to learn one subordinates help with being an effective leader. Subordinates look at leaders for guidance, so when there is a lack there of then subordinates to lose faith in their leadership. It’s an interesting concept of competency, if a leaders acts or carries themselves as a person of misguided character then their subordinates will respond as if they are a person of misguided character. Kent’s asserts that leaders must account for the management and leadership of their subordinates.

14.          (2006). PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP: LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT. Futurics, 30(1), 52-71. Retrieved from

           Leadership principles go hand in hand with the competencies that a spiritual leader’s must have of : love, joy, peace, patience, benignity (or kindness), goodness, longanimity (or long-suffering), mildness (or gentleness), faith, modesty, contingency (or self-control), and chastity, which contrast with the leadership principles found in this journal. An effective manager according to the research is one who account for a standard set principles. Leaders use a source of principles to inspire their subordinates to be better. The journal maximizes on the point that if leaders fails to do a self-inventory then they will find themselves lack the trust of those they lead. Trust is the cornerstone of leadership, and being effective, a leader that does account for these principles will likely be planting seeds in rocks. A leader must solidify their relationship with their subordinates to account for this relationship.

     15         Kirkpatrick, S. A., & Locke, E. A. (1991). Leadership: Do traits matter? The Executive, 5, 48–60. O’Reilly, C. A., Caldwell, D. F., Chatman, J. A., & Doerr, B. (2014). The Promise and Problems of Organizational Culture: CEO Personality, Culture, and Firm 16 Performance. Group & Organization Management, 39(6), 595–625. Riwo-Abudho, M., Njanja, L., & Ochieng, I.  (2012).

          To manifest the Spirit’s fruit, and there is a central understanding that one must put in                work.  The promise always come with usually with a few problems, is what this journal seeks to maximize upon. Performance is usually linked to culture, so how does a leader inspire that culture for the better. Retrospectively a leader must look at this organizational structure of whatever entity that they are leading. When taking an inventory of one’s organizational, this management sources, supports the facts that leaders must look its organization as a whole. Taking a look at things like organizational structure one can make steps for the overall improvement. Improvement leads to growth which enables to one to enjoy the fruits one’s labor.

  17       The role of strategic leadership during change. KCA Journal of Business Management, 4(1), 48-61. Schraeder, M., & Jordan, M. (2011).

            Some assert that strategic leaders have a role during change. A journal of business management asserts “the study concludes strategic leadership is the ultimate for success of change programs as it directs all organization resources towards a common goal by effectively motivating employees to achieve a desired common change vision. It is recommended that change leaders and policy makers know the roles they want strategic leadership to play during change and they integrate the numerous resources involved to achieve the change vision” (Shraedder).  In reflection vision is key for all manager, but the management of it is what makes a leaders character. According to the journal a focus should be put on managing this vision.

   18       Managing performance: A practical perspective on managing employee performance. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 34(2), 4-10. Retrieved from   Simonet, D. V., & Tett, R. P. (2013).

          Managing performance can be hard for any leader. A journal concerning the quality and participation of this process asserts “Efforts to understand dynamics associated with managing employee performance, improving employee performance, and adapting related methodologies to best meet the needs of employees and organizations should increase the likelihood of organizational success. This article provides a practical perspective on issues related to performance management by summarizing major approaches used at the organizational level, as well as offering insight into individual-level factors that represent possible elements influencing, determining, or contributing to related individual performance.” Focus is what t is needed from any leader wishing to lead to lead anyone. Managing performance is not a laid back process, but must is an active process.

        19  Five Perspectives on the Leadership–Management Relationship: A Competency-Based Evaluation and Integration. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20(2), 199–213.

         Christians leaders must consider their jobs as an opportunity to serve God through perseverance and patience, and serve others through a Christ-like attitude…”(Staff). It’s a fact that faith must be combined with work to be fruitful, and the scripture supports this in Proverbs 12:11 “Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” Strategism is a must when it comes to leadership. This leadership journal focuses on a servant-leadership approach in achieving one’s goal. An evaluation of one’s competency can help one be a more balanced leader in helping the subordinates get to their next level.

     20  Szczepanska-Woszczyna, K. (2015). Leadership and organizational culture as the normative influence of top management on employee behavior in the innovation process. Procedia Economics and Finance, 34, 396-402. doi: 10.1016/S2212-567(15)01646-9

Studies show that there is innovation in positivity and leaders must help influence this positivity. Researchers assert “Positive cultural characteristics can provide an organization with the necessary ingredients to innovate. Innovation and culture are intimately linked (West, 2000). Culture is very important in bringing the organizations towards success; provided that all staff in the organizations is fully committed on this matter. Each organization has its own vision and mission of being a kind of guide on the way to achieving organizational excellence. Organizational culture is the element which bonds the aims of employees to achieve the subsequent levels of excellence while reflecting the image of the organization. On the other hand, as research indicates, innovation fails to thrive in organizations (and individuals) if the environment and organizational culture are not conducive to nurturing these capabilities. This has been proven in numerous studies and specific inhibitors have been identified” (Bina, 2012).  Diversity can a game-changer if leaders let it be; research bolsters that positivity can stem to heighten innovation.


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