You selected a theoretical framework to support the project and place the project in perspective. Did you consider other frameworks? What led you to decide on the chosen framework?
Minimum of 250 words on each question. doesn’t need to be perfect. a simple answer is enough.
1. You selected a theoretical framework to support the project and place the project in perspective. Did you consider other frameworks? What led you to decide on the chosen framework?
2. There are a number of methodological approaches that can be utilized with any given project topic. Reflecting on your project topic, discuss the approach you have selected and highlight the strengths and benefits of your chosen approach.
3. As you build your Chapter 1, 2, and 3 you are required to base your project on relevant theory and supporting literature. As you write the chapters, ask when should you use direct quotes and when should you paraphrase? What factors go into making this decision? Where is the balance between your own ideas and the existing literature?
Identify the keywords for your project. How did you determine which words needed operational definitions and which did not?
4. Drawing upon your weekly activities and experiences, identify and discuss any threats to your project design and methodology. What strategies will you employ to mitigate any negative consequences of identified threats?