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ANSWERED: Research the process by which state legalization of medical marijuana in California (Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act) occurred. Using the six-part policy-making process outlined below, describe what happened at each stage. Please refer to “Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States” provided with the Assessment documents.

Research the process by which state legalization of medical marijuana in California (Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act) occurred. Using the six-part policy-making process outlined below, describe what happened at each stage. Please refer to “Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States” provided with the Assessment documents.


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This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document for all six parts of your Final Assessment. Save your file as LE002_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LE002_J_Smith).

There are many ways that regulations, policies, and special interest groups affect the daily lives of individuals and health care organizations.  The following six scenarios relate to these issues and demonstrate the impact policies have on our lives.

This assessment has six-parts. Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.

Part One: State Legalization of Medical Marijuana and the Policy-Making Process

  • Research the process by which state legalization of medical marijuana in California (Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act) occurred. Using the six-part policy-making process outlined below, describe what happened at each stage. Please refer to “Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States” provided with the Assessment documents. You may identify another state that is considering legalization of medical marijuana and is in the process of going through this policy process, and where in the process they currently find themselves.
    • The Six Stage Public Policy Process:
      • Problem Identification: Problems that may potentially make their way onto the public policy agenda are recognized. (1–2 paragraphs)
      • Agenda Setting: Problems that are deemed worthy of attention are placed on the agenda. (1–2 paragraphs)
      • Policy Making: Various policies are crafted to deal with the problem that has been set on the agenda and an official policy is agreed upon. (1–2 paragraphs)
      • Budgeting: The amount of money to spend on a policy must be determined. (1–2 paragraphs)
      • Policy Implementation: The public policy that has been officially agreed upon is put into action. (1–2 paragraphs)
      • Policy Analysis and Evaluation: The implemented policy is evaluated for its effectiveness. (1–2 paragraphs)

For more information about the six steps, review the following website:    The Public Policy Process American Politics. University of Texas.


state legalization of medical marijuana in California Elite academic research

Part Two: State Laws on Motorcycle Helmet Use

  • Use the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) data from “Motorcycle Helmet Use—State Laws,” and the “The Effects of Michigan’s Weakened Motorcycle Helmet Use Law on Insurance Losses,” provided in the Assessment documents, and other research you find on your own, to review data on states with partial helmet laws.
  • Review to address the following:
    •  Describe at least two impacts on injuries when Michigan weakened its helmet use laws. (2–3 paragraphs)
    • Justify the need for helmet use laws to protect motorcyclists and bystanders. In what ways does not wearing a helmet while operating a motorcycle impact the health and safety of other citizens? (1 page)

Part Three: Policies on Mandatory HIV Testing and Counseling

  • After researching this topic, describe at least one cost and one benefit of mandatory HIV testing and counseling. Include ways it may or may not increase population health. In addition, describe at least one barrier to HIV testing and HIV counseling, and describe how overcoming these barriers might increase population health. (1–2 pages)

Part Four: Policies on COVID-19

  • Use the example of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and related articles (provided with the Assessment documents) to complete the following:
    • Describe two policies that were put into place to protect the public from infection, and what impact these policies had on public health. (1 page)
    • Provide a rationale for these kinds of policies to someone who argues that they infringe too much on individual liberties. (1 page)

Part Five: Healthcare Policies: Advocacy and Civic Engagement

  • Choose one of the following three issues and research the role advocacy and civic engagement have played in advancing these issues:
    • Prevention of smoking cigarettes in public spaces
    • Reduction in child obesity rates
    • Increased penalties for drunk driving
  • Describe the role that advocacy and civic engagement played in advancing these policy-making efforts for the issue you selected. (1–2 pages)

Part Six: Special Interest Groups and Public Policy

  • How do special interest groups seek to affect public policy?  Choose two special interest groups and explain their purpose. (1 paragraph for each interest group)
  • Choose an issue for each of the special interest groups and explain the impact the special interest group has had on this issue.  (2 paragraphs for each interest group) (examples:  American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, NAACP, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence)

Go to National Interest Groups to find more special interest groups

Part Seven: Healthcare Policies: Advocacy and Civic Engagement

  • To better understand public perception of public health practices, interview a friend, family member, or colleague regarding the advantage perceived by state laws or state recommendations on one of the following topics:
    • Prevention of childhood obesity through a healthy diet in school meals,
    • Adult immunization for COVID-19
    • Required helmet laws for motorcyclists

Describe the topic you selected. Then, describe your interviewee in terms of gender, age, and geographic location. Finally, explain your interviewee’s perspective on public health practices, how that perception might be influenced by his or her age, gender, or geographic location and whether you shared any common concerns with your interviewee.


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